昨天已在ECP疯疯癫癫、开开心地庆祝生日。MF说她很 开心,我更是。
我要多活在当下,因为 没有过去拖在你后面,也没有未来拉着你往前时,你全部的能量都集中在这一时刻,这样才能真正享受生命。 可是我也不要离谱地完全不为未来作打算。 Anyway,每次过生日时,就会感觉到这一年又要结束了。 期待新的开始。
Side track:
It's a simple dinner celebration at din tai fung today.But something amusing happened.I cannot believe the waitress actually asked me such a question.
While my 2 girlfriends went to the ladies,I decided to go into the restaurant and take a seat first.I was then carrying some rabbit soft toy presents and fiddling with 2 rabbit underwears which zhu and JB gave to me.
她回应:有小孩吗?你需要baby chair吗?是和先生吗?(There's this slight look of disbelief in my face)
I'm stunned!
Do i look like a married woman?Or is it because of the cute underwears and the soft toys that i'm carrying that prompt to ask this question....OMG!
Pictures at ECP:
We actually spent more than 10 hours in ECP..mf made egg mayonise,JK brought almond pudding and i bought carrot cake.Of cos ,there are tidbits and chocolates!Can you imagine,we have know each other for more than 16 yrs!好老!

As the sun get hotter,my chocolates start to melt...Well,it can become nutella...and come on,let's eat it with bread!
After having a high carbohydrate lunch,we went for bowling..Well,it does not help to burn fats at all..
mf and i had the same score for the 1st round.6767..

Why are you holding the bowling ball like that?

Is it a sign of ageing?After 2 rounds of bowling,mf and i were exhausted.We went to take a break at coffee beans.

Des joined us in the late afternoon...Thanks des for carrying my bag. while we cycled to your chalet
err but the way you carry very auntie lei!haha oopss!

Anyway it's really fun playing TABOO game....


真会做戏。。。HEi luckily i captured this "emotional parting"

I shoud have been born in the year of rabbit.
So funny that day!! Got 买码票? :p
ya!so happy
i din buy but my parents did...
the numbers din come out though..hopin for this wed haha
wei tuzi....u very gaoxiao lei
showing off ur rabbit panties....
did u rebond ur hair?
Looked like a married woman ? People thought that I am 30 plus, married with kids. (ALL THE TIME)
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