Thursday, February 12, 2015


This is the first time that I am learning cooking from my MIL.

1st dish - pork belly 东坡肉

1kg of pork belly meat
Spring onions- one whole stalk 60gram
1 big ginger 40gram
Dumping straw strings
Brown sugar or 冰糖
Dark soya sauce酱油

1)Put pork belly in water while it boils a bit before cutting pork belly
2) cut into 6 pieces, each piece about 4cm
3) straw strings to dip in warm water for tying
4) mix pork belly with dark sauce 
5) tie pork belly using strings, make sure it's tight so that meat will not fall apart
6) cut spring onions n gingers in big pieces 
7) mix light soya sauce( 半碗),brown sugar or 冰糖(半碗) and 500 cc water. Try sesame oil 
8) put everything in pot (pork must be above spring onions to prevent getting burnt)
Steam for 2 hours using stove
Initially 开大火 using 9 号 after tt use small fire when stable and sees steam coming out
Cover pot throughout 

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